We are trying to promote http://www.eServicePlace.com , any help would be appreciated. We would try your ideas of promoting. But we need further more not only on promoting , use frequently on posting your any kind of Service Requests (Public Requests) it is totally free.
This is very good concept & we need help each one of you to be successful concept to reality.
Planning to set up an Advisory board and try to add each one of the helping persons into this board. Please suggest if you have any ideas how to get lot of Public requests.
How Can you Help us ?
1. Post you Service Needs & request as a Public request
2. Provide us input to how could we improve ?
3. Suggestions & email note to be involved in the www.eServicePlace.com Advisory board.
4. If you think you can help us on getting investors.
What is eServicePlace?
Services market place that connects to the service requester and service providers all over the world but currently it is released only USA. In United States of America alone there are 33 Million service providers and nearly a Billion requesters (General Public). Every day there are service requesters who need service providers to enable the ease of their service. Absolut-e has realized this need and has developed eServicePlace.com to maintain the service requesters and providers transactions by enabling tools to efficiently manage the community. The following are the key features of eServicePlace.com:
1. Finding the providers and requesters
2. Placing service request
3. Bidding on the service request
4. Scheduling appointment for on-site estimation
5. Scheduling appointment for performing the services
6. Provider selection
7. Contract management
8. Work order management
9. Managing the service status
10. Financial management
11. Payment management
12. Rating/Review of requesters and providers
Feel free to use and provide your valuable input to make http://www.eserviceplace.com a successful concept to reality.
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